

To make your business more flexible and reliable. DevOps is not only Technology rather a Culture in Organizations. For CI/CD infrastructures, VEI Technology's DevOps solutions turbocharge velocity with continuous quality. Workflows are continually automated, monitored, and optimized as a result. Adoption of AI encourages prioritizing and follows the pipeline for testing, shortening cycle times.

Having input that is optimized speeds up innovation, raises quality, and improves the user experience.

Key Factors


For building Microservices and Cloud-Native Applicationson Knative and Kubernetes, we guarantee continuous delivery pipelines.


AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodePipeline, AWS OpsWorks, and AWS CodeStar are used to provide DevOps solutions on AWS.


Azure Pipeline, Azure Artifacts, Azure Repos, and Azure Board are used to allow DevOps solutions on Azure.

Google Cloud

With the aid of Google Datastore, Google Compute Engine, Google Cloud CDN, and Google Container Engine, we assist in managing GCP Applications using DevOps.

Key Benefits

  • You may choose the cloud and automation you need to dominate the industry with the support of our DevOps services professionals.
  • With the help of automated monitoring and reporting systems, the DevOps revolution has become a reality.
  • For assistance in staying one step ahead of the competition and succeeding in upcoming transitions, MoogleLabs is your integrated technology partner.

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